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Welcome to NSA Kentucky!

Where professional speakers from Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee connect.

                      LIFT THE WORLDTM


The National Speakers Association (NSA) is the leading source for community, education and entrepreneurial business knowledge needed to be successful in the speaking profession.

For nearly 50 years, NSA has helped tens of thousands of speakers propel their business by answering these questions through professional development and unparalleled community.

As an affiliate chapter of the National Speakers Association, we follow their lead by bringing the world’s leading speakers together and offering programs that transform your speaking business.

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NSA Kentucky President 2024-2025

Trevor Blondeel


It is my privilege to serve our NSA Kentucky community, including members from Tennessee and Indiana, as president this year. I invite you to join us!!

I first learned about this chapter, when I asked a fellow coach about his speaking. It was Jeff Nally, who was president at the time, and I knew he was a professional
speaker that got paid to speak. I wanted to learn more about that!

Within a month, I went to an event, and signed up for the Pro Speaker Academy. A year later, after my training, I had a video recorded to show meeting planners, and booked my first paid speaking event! That would not have happened without NSAKY, and all the generous members.

We have a mix of members who are starting out like I was, to Hall of Fame Speakers and Certified Speaking Professionals. Whether you are an entrepreneur or have a job and want to grow your speaking skills and earn income, this is the place to be!

Our purpose is to be better speakers and build better businesses. We do this by bringing in exceptional experts to share their knowledge in person, and these are delivered hybrid and recorded for those who cannot make it. We also have live remote events during the week. My favorite part of the chapter, are the connections we make with each other! The care and generosity of our members is priceless.

This year, you will be a part of an amazing member experience, and a Pro Speaker Academy like no other!

Join us today and reach out direct at for any support or

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Our membership is a collective of professional orators, emerging speakers and everyone in between. We serve individuals engaged in speaking, coaching, training, and consulting businesses. 

We offer a variety of engagement opportunities, both in-person and virtually to accommodate anyone's availability and comfortability. 


CHAPTER MEETINGS. We invite nationally-renowned guest speakers to share their expertise on business building, presentation skills, technical tools, book writing, and many other topics related to the business of speaking.


WEBINARS. In addition to the regular chapter meetings, we also host educational webinars led by national and local experts in the speaking world.


PRO SPEAKERS ACADEMY. This course, which can be taken remotely, includes sessions on every aspect of building your speaking business from the ground up. Read more.


NETWORKING EVENTS. From chapter chats to virtual and in-person happy hours, we love providing spaces for our members to share expertise, encouragement, and excitement with one another. 


ANNUAL GALA. Every June, we throw a huge party to celebrate the close of our fiscal year. We share a meal, present the new Board of Directors, hand out awards, and celebrate with our fantastic community as we look forward to the successes of the next year.

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